Should you wish to see if I might be the right therapist for you, I suggest we speak on the phone to explore your circumstances before moving toward an initial meeting of the same duration of regular counselling sessions, 50 mins.
Trust lies at the centre of an effective and fruitful therapeutic relationship.
Within the initial meeting we can explore the feelings and issues that have lead you to consider counselling.
This is an opportunity to establish how we might work together and for you to get a feeling for the potential of a working partnership.
Clients that enter into counselling with me are recommended to do so on at least a weekly basis.
Sessions take place in discreet and comfortable rooms in London W1, Earls Court or Chiswick at convenience of the client.
Whilst face to face offers the best therapeutic environment, I can also offer remote video sessions.
A session lasts for 50 minutes and is charged at £65 per appointment.